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Binns Track and Tanami Road coddiwomple - expressions of interest

  • 19 Aug 2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • 8 Sep 2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • Start Tilmouth Well, Tanami


Description:   We are planning to start by crossing the Tanami, stopping at Wolf Creek Crater, followed by 2 nights in the Bungle-Bungle National Park, before heading up to Timber Creek and down the Northern section of Binns track. We will spend 3 nights in Alice Springs doing day-trips into the western McDonnell ranges. We will then complete Binns track travelling south to Mt Dare. The route we will take from Mt Dare to Melbourne will depend upon conditions and time. At this stage we plan to go down the Oodnadatta Track, across to the northern end of the Flinders Ranges and down the eastern side of the the Flinders.

More details of itinerary to follow.

Please contact Sherry or Mark if you are unsure of any of the following requirements for this trip.

Weather:  We will be passing through desert and subtripocal environments, be prepared for a wide range of temperatures and weather conditions. Bring sun-block, aerogard or similar.

Equipment:  Below are the recommended vehicle requirements.  If you are not sure if your vehicle is suitable for a trip, please have a chat with the trip leader.

Good off-road tyres (All Terrain, 60 profile recommended as a minimum), UHF radio (or one borrowed from the club), a well-maintained vehicle with low range (or equivalent), good ground clearance (200mm recommended as a minimum), recovery points, standard recovery gear including dampener, rated snatch strap and shackles, shovel. Drivers must have completed the RRCV club training or equivalent. 

This is a long trip into remote areas so you will also need two spare tyres, puncture repair kit, and spares appropriate to your vehicle. Make sure your vehicle has been fully serviced ahead of the trip, that tyres are in good condition, and replace batteries that are nearing the end of their life.

No pets or firearms. This trip is suitable for off-road trailers.

Maps and Reference Material: Outback Travellers track guides to Tanami Road (series 3 track 1), Binns Track (Series 2 track 4) and the Oodnadatta Track (series 1 track 1) , also HEMA 4WD Adventures.

Additional Equipment required:  Camping gear, food and water for the trip - there will be some refuel and shopping opportunities en route.  Morning tea will and lunch be in the bush each day – byo thermos, etc. 

Trip Standard:  Easy to Medium, but remote. 

Fuel:  A full tank ex Tilmouth Well.  Fuel is available en route.

Distance:  Tilmouth Well is approximately 2465 km from Melbourne. Participants can make there own way there in their own time. It takes about 2.5 days driving. The total distance from Melbourne to Melbourne is about 8000km. Longest distance without refueling is approximately 400km. Make sure you are aware of your likely fuel consumption on desert tracks. 

Duration: 3 weeks 

Convoy limit: 8 vehicles 

Meeting arrangements:  We will meet in Tilmouth Well Roadhouse on the afternoon/evening of Sunday 18 Aug and depart at 9.00am the following day.  We aim to get back to Melbourne Sunday 8 Sept (details TBC). 

Club Guest Registration policy:  It is club policy in regard to insurance cover that if a member brings any non-members on the trip they must be registered and have paid the required fee as Temporary Members BEFORE the event. 

i.e.  non- members can no longer register on the day with the trip leader. 
Temporary Membership information and ways to register can be found at:

Temporary (Guest) Membership

Also if a non-member wishes to bring their own vehicle, the member inviting the non-member must contact the trip leader for approval to bring the vehicle. Such approval will take into account skills of the driver, suitability of the vehicle and whether or not a place within the convoy limit is available for a non-member's vehicle.

Trip Leader: Sherry Mayo & Mark Bown, phone 0437 251 645, email Mark.Bown@csiro.au

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