Range Rover Club Victoria

Temporary Membership - by invitation only

If you have been invited to take part in a club event, you are very welcome. We just need you to register as a Temporary Member prior to the day of the trip.  It only costs $17 and ensures your name is added to 4WD Victoria's insurance policy.


  • If you have been invited as a passenger please go ahead and complete the form below.
  • If you have been invited as a driver you MUST speak to the Trip Leader BEFORE registration. We need to check if there is space on the convoy and you have sufficient experience/equipment. The club member that invited you will be able to give you this info. If not, contact our Trips Coordinator on trips@rangeroverclub.org.au
  • If you are a non-member that's interested in joining the club, contact our Membership Sectretary on memberships@rangeroverclub.org.au - they will invite you along to our meeting or a suitable trip.


Temporary membership cover:

Each Temporary Membership covers either a single person or all members of one family.

  • Family is defined as partners living in the same home, and dependent children under the age of 25 (not grandchildren)
  • Grandchildren - If you wish to bring your grandchildren, we suggest that you register their parent as the Temporary Member

    Temporary membership restrictions:

    • COVID Restrictions - If a trip has a limited head count, the person inviting you on the trip MUST also list you as a Guest.
    • No limits to the number of trips as passengers of Club Members (within COVID restrictions)
    • You may drive your own car on a maximum of two trips. But you MUST follow the driver approval process (listed below).
    • All memberships expire on 30th June each year.

    IMPORTANT: It's a legal requirement for all people participating in trips to be named on our insurance policy prior to the event. So if you have not completed the Temporary Membership application, in advance, you may not be allowed to join the trip. 

    Approval process for Temporary Members that wish to drive

    • The trip leader must be contacted to confirm:
       -  there is a space available, a club member will be able to do that for you.
       -  that you have sufficient skills and training for the trip (this varies depending of trip difficulty).
       -  that if you're bringing a car, it's suitable for the trip.
    • A club member may be able to coordinate this on your behalf - but it's the driver's responsibility to ensure suitability

    In addition - 4WD Victoria's General Conditions of Temporary Membership.

    1. As a temporary member/visitor you are representing the Range Rover Club of Victoria and as such you are expected to abide by our Rules and By-laws. If you are not familiar with our Rules or By-laws please ask the Trip Leader to explain them to you, or to provide you with a copy to read.
    2. There should be no surprises if you have already spoken with the trip leader, but if during the trip, you are not confident or do not wish to attempt any part, it is your responsibility to inform the Trip Leader. 
    3. If using your own car, it is your responsibility to ensure the car is set-up for the trip. This may include requirements listed in the trip description, such as: suspension, tyres, fuel capacity and recovery points/gear.
    4. In the event of vehicle recovery, it is the vehicle owner’s responsibility to approve recovery attachment points and, where safe, to perform the attachment. 
    5. You confirm that you have sufficient 4WD training or experience for the trip.
    6. Safe driving practices must be adhered to at all times. 
    7. You agree by signing this form that you are the holder of a Current Driving Licence. 
    8. If participating as a Driver on the trip, you agree that your vehicle is insured to the appropriate level of cover to participate on the trip. 
    9. Whilst on this trip you will be covered by the Club’s Public Liability & Personal Accident Insurance. 

    Temporary Member Registration
    Click here if you have been invited to join us

    Copyright Range Rover Club Victoria

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