Midweek Getaway – Narbethong - Marysville
Date and time: 8:45 am to 5:00 pm, Wednesday 28th May
Trip Standard: Medium to Hard - some steep, low-range hill climbs and some rocky tracks!
Description: Jim’s mystery tour around the forests between Narbethong and Marysville.
Weather: July in the ranges around Melbourne is typically unpredictable, potentially cold and wet. Review the Marysville weather forecast leading up to the trip and bring appropriate clothing and footwear.
Equipment: Below are the recommended vehicle requirements. If you are not sure if your vehicle is suitable for a trip, please have a chat with the trip leader.
Good off-road tyres (All Terrain, 60 profile recommended as a minimum), UHF radio (or one borrowed from the club), a well-maintained vehicle with low range (or equivalent), good ground clearance (200mm recommended as a minimum), recovery points, standard recovery gear including dampener, rated snatch strap and shackles, shovel. Drivers must have completed the RRCV club training or equivalent.
Additional Equipment required: Lunch will be at Marysville bakery but bring food in case we don’t make it back. Morning tea will be in the bush – byo simple, “on the move” morning tea (byo thermos).
No camper trailers, pets or firearms
Fuel: a full tank ex Melbourne
Distance: the Black Spur Inn is approx. 80 Km from the CBD. The trip is approx. 50 Km of mainly low range driving.
Duration: 1 day
Convoy limit: 10 vehicles
Meeting arrangements: We plan to meet at the Black Spur Inn and depart at 8:45 am. If you plan to get coffee beforehand then you will need to arrive a little earlier. We will aim to finish about 5.00pm back in Narbethong
Trip Leaders: Jim Kennedy. Phone – 0428 392 004, Email - jim@safetrek.com.au
Club Guest Registration policy: It is club policy in regard to insurance cover that if a member brings any non-members on the trip they must be registered and have paid the required fee as Temporary Members BEFORE the event.
i.e. non- members can no longer register on the day with the trip leader.
Temporary Membership information and ways to register can be found at:
Temporary (Guest) Membership
Also if a non-member wishes to bring their own vehicle, the member inviting the non-member must contact the trip leader for approval to bring the vehicle. Such approval will take into account skills of the driver, suitability of the vehicle and whether or not a place within the convoy limit is available for a non-member's vehicle.