EOI - RRCV trip Leader Training - Theory
Date and time: TBA - probably late May or early June on a mid-week night. Ignore the 4/June date in the trip description, it is just an indicative date required by the web site
Description: The aim of this EOI is to gauge interest in running another trip leader training session. The theory night may be followed up with a practical day trip where all participants will be asked to "lead" a part of the trip.
This theory night is open to anyone in the club interested in the process of planning and running a club trip.
The topics to be covered will be:
Before attending the training, participants should take the time to read the information on the club web site for Trip Leaders, i.e.:
https://www.rangeroverclub.org.au/RRCV-Trip-Leaders-FAQ https://www.rangeroverclub.org.au/page-18201 https://www.rangeroverclub.org.au/RRCV-Tail-End-Charlie-Procedures https://www.rangeroverclub.org.au/resources/Documents/4WDVic_TripLeaderGuidelines.pdf https://www.rangeroverclub.org.au/resources/Documents/4WDVic_Incident_Report_Form.pdf https://www.rangeroverclub.org.au/FWD-Insurance
Meeting arrangements: TBA
Trip Leaders: Graeme Carter, Phone – 0400 195 932, Email – graeme.carter23@bigpond.com
Copyright Range Rover Club Victoria